Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Couple of Things about the Blog

Hello Creative Writers!

If you're having trouble reading text on my blog because it is invisible or only half-visible, try clicking on the text and highlight the missing portions. They should appear. I don't know why my blog does this nor why highlighting works, but hey, let's go with it. Hooray for technology!

On another note, I had to remove a RUUD (spelled incorrectly on purpose) comment from my blog. Not only was it insulting to people in the class, but this person chose to be so anonymous he or she did not even sign in with a user name, but simply "anonymous." I won't tolerate unconstructively mean writing on the blogs, especially when someone is too cowardly to say who he or she is. This is NOT an invitation to rewrite the comment with your user name. You know who you are. That said, please enjoy this week's blog assignment (next post down), and here is a picture of a unicorn (they're real, you know):


Ursa Major said...

Nice random unicorn!

souledout4 said...

"When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain..."