Monday, September 22, 2008

Every Little Detail

This blog assignment might remind you a little of the first one we did a couple weeks ago. Once again, you'll find an image to write about. Put it at the top of your blog and write a descriptive paragraph based on it (16-20 sentences). This is not a story or a narrative, but a point in time which you are dissecting. You'll be graded on the following:

1. You use fewer than 10 total adjectives and adverbs. Remember, nouns and verbs are your power words.

2. You use a minimum of three metaphors or similes.

3. You utilize sensory detail: think about how things not only look, but sound, taste, smell, and feel.

Your groups for the week:

Block 1:

Group 1: Alpha Amber Wolf, runcarnyrun, & Zoolander

Group 2: arbol44, i like turtles :), & zzzxy

Group 3: Blogx, iloveanime, & Sisu

Group 4: changeinapocket, junior2010, & Some Dude

Group 5: Checkers, Lady Blue, & spark 32

Group 6: CoolKCato, Peace and Love, & Squarish Square

Group 7: Graffiti the World, Potter, & This Blog Should Be Anonymous

Group 8: Hawk Eye 777, Princess Sparkle, & tomorrowiswaiting

Group 9: Highway Star, Rock Fan, & wayzatacreative

Block 2:

Group 1: About21ninjas, One Moment Can Change Everything, & stargazer

Group 2: Alice, Gobl1nmast4r, & Stinky Toes

Group 3: alle, JB24, one x, & StrawberryCake

Group 4: Anonymous Blogger, k of the milky way, porcupines and potato salad, & Ursa Major

Group 5: Bob Smith, laranail188, & QB1991

Group 6: Butterfly, Lucky :], & Scrappy Coco

Group 7: catastrophebyassociation, Mindfreak, & Sgirl

Group 8: Darken Rahl, Montag, & Shiny-sama

Group 9: Dually x3, musicly_minded16, & smiley

Monday, September 15, 2008

#2 Who Do You Think You Are?

Okay, let's try this again...

Have you ever imagined what it's like to be famous? Well now you can. That's right--now you can imagine it for part of your grade. Ready for this week's fist-pumping, roundhouse-kicking, baddie-capturing blog assignment?

1. Surf the web for a little while with some celebrities in mind. Find a fansite for the celebrity of your choice. It's up to you whether it's official or unofficial. Be sure to link to it.
2. React to the website and fans from the point of view of this famous person. Write 16-20 sentences.
3. For comments, write 5-7 sentences on your partners' blogs as anti-fans of the celebrities they have chosen. Remember to be clear, but you are posing as someone who does not like this famous person at all; give reasons.
4. Here are your groups:
Block 1:
Group 1: Alpha Amber Wolf, i like turtles :), runcarnyrun, & Zoolander
Group 2: arbol44, iloveanime, Sisu, & zzzxy
Group 3: blogx, junior2010, & Some Dude
Group 4: changeinapocket, Lady Blue, & spark 32
Group 5: Checkers, Peace and Love, & Squarish Square
Group 6: Graffiti the World, Potter, & This Blog Should Be Anonymous
Group 7: Hawk Eye 777, Princess Sparkle, & tomorrowiswaiting
Group 8: Highway Star, Rock Fan, & wayzatacreative
Block 2:
Group 1: About21ninjas, Gobl1nmast4r, & porcupines and potato salad
Group 2: Alice, JB24, & QB1991
Group 3: alle, k of the milky way, & Scrappy Coco
Group 4: Anonymous Blogger, laranail188, & Sgirl
Group 5: Bob Smith, Lucky :], & Shiny-sama
Group 6: Butterfly, Mindfreak, & smiley
Group 7: catastrophebyassociation, Montag, & stargazer
Group 8: CoolKCato, musicly_minded16, & Stinky Toes
Group 9: Darken Rahl, One Moment Can Change Everything, & StrawberryCake
Group 10: Dually x3, one x, & Ursa Major

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ready to Take Comments

Ladies and gents of the creative writing persuasion, the following are your instructions for commenting on one another's blogs:

1. Look below to find out what group you are in. You must comment on everyone else's blog entry that is in that group (unless otherwise noted). You can get to their blogs via the list on the left side of my blog.

2. Read the entry and click on the link below that says "0 comments," "1 comment," etc.

3. Write one specific thing you like about the piece and one thing that could be improved or changed. Write at least 6 sentences per blog (this includes the plus and the minus). Be sure to comment on the writing and not the choice of picture.

Here are the groups for Block 1:

Group 1: Alpha Amber Wolf, arbol44, & Blogx

Group 2: changeinapocket, Checkers, & Graffiti the World

Group 3: Hawk Eye 777, Highway Star, & i like turtles :)

Group 4: iloveanime, junior2010, & spark 32

Group 5: Peace and Love, Potter, & Princess Sparkle

Group 6: Rock Fan, runcarnyrun, & Sisu

Group 7: Some Dude, Squarish Square, & This Blog Should Be Anonymous

Group 8: tomorrowiswaiting, wayzatacreative, Zoolander, & zzzxy This group may do only two others' blogs each. Do the next two after yours in order.

Here are the groups for Block 2:

Group 1: About21ninjas, Alice, & alle

Group 2: Anonymous Blogger, Bob Smith, & Butterfly

Group 3: catastrophebyassociation, CoolKCato, & Darken Rahl

Group 4: Dually x3, Gobl1nmast4r, & JB24

Group 5: k of the milky way, laranail188, & Lucky :]

Group 6: Mindfreak, Montag, & musicly_minded16

Group 7: One Moment Can Change Everything, one x, & QB1991

Group 8: Scrappy Coco, Sgirl, & Shiny-sama

Group 9: Smiley, stargazer, & Stinky Toes

Group 10: StrawberryCake (Mindfreak) & Ursa Major (Montag) This group should also comment on the blogs following their names in parentheses.

Monday, September 8, 2008

#1 Explain This

It's time for your first blog post, creative writers! In case you were wondering, the picture above is an axolotl. It is meant to inspire you in your first blogging endeavor. The idea is to really use your imagination here. Don't worry about being completely "honest" or "real." Don't feel limited. Follow these easy steps; if I don't explicitly say not to do something, go ahead. The sky's the limit.

1. Upload a wacky image to your blog. It can be a photo, a cartoon, a piece of art, or even a famous logo. Google Image is a good place to find anything you want. Keep it clean, kids.

2. Title your post whatever you want, but be sure to start your title with "#1" as I have done above. This is so your fellow classmates can easily locate this week's entry.

3. Write two descriptions or explanations for your image. Each should be a minimum of eight sentences long (at least 16 sentences total). Choose two of the following audiences for your descriptions or explanations:

a. Kindergartners
b. Your peers
c. Your grandparents
d. Harry Potter fanatics
e. Chefs
f. Musicians
g. Republicans
h. Space Aliens
What kind of musicians? You decide! Your real grandparents? How should I know? Harry Potter fans as "cool" or "annoying?" Whatever you think. Have fun with this.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You Shall Now Be (Self) Published

Welcome to the new school year! As we explore the art and craft of creative writing this semester, we will be reading one another's blogs. Why? In addition to participating in workshops during class time, it's important to be able to both write and criticize completely without inhibitions. That is why we're keeping the blogs anonymous--at least until the end of the semester. So, I encourage you to still keep your work and comments productive and constructive, but feel free to really experiment with your writing in your blog. See you in class.