1. You must write 3 haiku, which are all tied together to one theme (i.e. three colors, three seasons, three stooges, etc.) It is not a bad idea to title your blog with your theme. Example: #8 The Seasons.
2. There are three lines to each haiku.
3. The first and third lines are 5 syllables each.
4. The second line is 7 syllables.
Be sure to have one idea per line; it is extremely difficult to write a successful haiku when one sentence bridges more than one line. Here is an example from the movie Fight Club:
Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave
As for your comments this week, you are to write one haiku which also goes with the original poster's theme of three. So, if someone posts three about summer, winter, and fall, you might write one about spring. Get it? For this week, comment on anyone's blogs; however, you must comment on one person's blog from Block 1 and one person's blog from Block 2. Have fun.
you said "one sentences" in the blog post, and sentences should not be plural.
Good eye. I've added the three ec points to my book.
"You must write 3 haiku, which are all tied together to one theme (i.e. three colors, three seasons, three stooges, etc.) "
You didn't end the sentence. The next word is "It's:" the beginning of a new sentence.
"As for your comments this week, you are to write one haiku which also goes with the original poster's theme of three."
You might want to use the word, "that." As "which" makes "also goes with the original poster's theme" an unrestrictive clause. An unrestrictive clause implies that any haiku would be acceptable.
I know not if we have to tell you who we are commenting on but just in case, I commented on Dually x3 and Alpha Amber Wolf.
i don't even know how to do sllyables.. and i don't know how to spell it apparently either..
that poses a problemm....... haha
you said "one sentences" in the blog post, and sentences should not be plural.
aww ms. decker i just noticed..only one of my haiku got posted..im gonna put the other two up again..i hope it works..
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